About Berks County Patriots

Berks County Patriots are committed to the following:

  • Protection of the unborn.  We believe life begins at conception.

  • Bringing an end to School Property Tax.

  • The protection of our Second Amendment rights.

  • Bringing an end to unconstitutional taxpayer-funded politicians’ pensions.

  • Supporting the cost reduction of the most expensive full-time legislature in the nation.

  • Working to improve Pennsylvania’s economic rating, currently the poorest in the nation.

  • Continuing to speak out against political corruption in Pennsylvania, the most blatant in the nation.

  • Seeking candidates who support a Right to Work Law to make our state competitive for business and jobs.


The Berks County Patriots organization is a non-profit, non-partisan group located in Southeastern Pennsylvania.  We are committed to restoring and promoting the conservative values and ideals espoused in America’s founding documents.  “We are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights” including life, liberty, property, free speech, a free market, and the pursuit of happiness. A limited government is necessary to ensure these rights for the people.   

  • Join Us: Pray for Our Country and Stand Up for Our Freedoms
“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.” Thomas Jefferson
“Those who trade liberty for security have either.” John Adams
Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
Oniy a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to controi them.
Gun control is not about guns: it’s about control.
You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
Assault is a behavior, not a device.
11.64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
The United States Constitution © 1791. All Rights Reserved.
The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do you NOT understand?
Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.
When you remove the peoples right to bear arms, you create slaves.
The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
“I love this country, it’s the government I’m afraid of.

Membership Information

I   MEMBERS   1. Membership shall consist of anyone completing a membership form and/or submitting contact information.  It is our desire to be all-inclusive and encourage all to become members.  
2. Members shall be responsible for supporting the organization, attending meetings, abiding by the bylaws, and adhering to the guiding principles and values of the organization. 
3. Members shall have the right to vote in person at meetings, be eligible to run for and be elected to the Board of Directors, hold an office on the Board of Directors, serve on a committee and receive regular communications from the Board of Directors.  
II  GUIDING  PRINCIPLES AND VALUES             For the purposes of guiding individual and group conduct, as well as maintaining a clear focus on organizational goals, Berks County Patriots adopts as general beliefs and guidelines these Principles and Values.  Rigid belief in or adherence to these ideals by individuals is not in any way required for membership, however,  these should be encouraged throughout the membership and promoted by the actions of the Board of Directors.  
“We believe that America is essentially good, that God and the family ought to be at the center of our lives, and that We the People are in charge of and responsible for our government.  We should seek to promote values such as honesty, humility, sincerity, hard work, courage, personal responsibility, and gratitude in ourselves and those around us in order to forge a more perfect union within our Country, with each other, and with God.”

Our History and Our Goals


HISTORY.   Our organization began on April 15, 2009 with the Tax Day Protest in Reading, PA in November 2009 we reorganized, named a board of directors, and assumed the name Berks County Patriots.  We currently have over 3000 members.
We have monthly meetings and are actively involved with legislative and electoral efforts.
Berks County Patriots works closely with other likeminded organizations throughout the Commonwealth and Country.  By forming alliances and combining the efforts of many separate organizations, we can effect greater positive change in our communities and counteract the negative influence of organizations which promote socialism, social justice and statism.  


·      To re-establish constitutional Law and order in our society
·      To promote EQUAL rights, protection, and application of the law for all citizens, states, and organizations
·     To educate the public concerning their rights, responsibilities and options available to them
·      To organize a formidable voting bloc that is able to affect local, state and nationwide elections
·      To resist socialism and oppose legislation that advances socialist goals within our society
·      To persuade legislators to champion and advance causes that preserve conservative values and ideals
·      To promote a robust marketplace and prosperous society free from the burden of over taxation and regulations
·      To bring serious fiscal discipline and responsibility to Harrisburg, Washington DC and Berks County


·      Join our group, register on our email list for regular communications
·      Come to meetings regularly and get involved with action committees
·      Educate yourself on the issues and discuss them with your friends, family and neighbors.  These things affect them too
·      Donate to our cause, we have no dues or fees like other organizations, but we do have expenses and need your help
·      Contribute to conservative candidates for office.  Contact the board for more info on which candidates support our issues
·      Sign petitions, Email, Telephone, Fax and write to your Senators and Representatives.  Tell them exactly what you want        

·      VOTE,  VOTE,   VOTE!!!    BE AN INFORMED VOTER                 

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General Meetings

We Gather Every Third Thursday of the Month

General Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Doors open at 5:00 for raffles, kitchen, and socializing and networking! If you wish, bring a snack to share at the food table.

Meeting 6:30 to 8:30
Location: Temple Fire Co Ballroom, 4963 Kutztown Rd. Temple 19560