Welcome to the State of Our Children’s Education
The US Academics are constantly being analyzed all over the world. Years ago the US was a leader in the Education of our children…but what happened? And can it be fixed with the current governmental overreach?
See all the testing we have in our schools now – all showing the same information.
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Test Results Around the World
Teachers come at a premium – the cost of education for them, the curriculums they are forced to use, the unions controlling everything within the district and the Federal Governmental Control enforcing the new ‘Woke’ ideals required for funding. Click here to read more.
Classes are crowded so they build new schools constantly, costing the taxpayers more and more, and still, the students are only performing at a mediocre pace.
click here to read the cost and results
Do Extra Curriculum activities take much needed funding from the main five needs of our children – Reading, Writing, Math, Science, History.
Have the extra woke programs being introduced without the parents’ knowledge cost our youth?
Click to read the evidence
Do our programs properly prepare our children for the very varied future that awaits them? How many students find the classes and programs stimulating, rewarding, and taught in such a way as to make them understandable?
Are students getting the correct advice as to what classes they will need and how are the parents involved with these decisions? Does the school invite parental interaction on decisions regarding programs offered?
Click to read more