This article was written by Deborah Jordan of Counsel of American Patriots of Luzerne County

Tonight’s topic features the current subject of “CRITICAL RACE THEORY”  but I’m going to take you on a short journey to see how it got into the psyche of today.
Our trip starts in Germany in 1923, and ends in America, 2021.
After WWI, the Treaty of Versailles, incited much resentment among the people in the republic of Germany. Some put the blame on the democratic-socialist pro-genitors, –accusing them of undermining Germany’s efforts in the final stages of the war. One group who believed this to be true, was known as the Frankfurt School, –a group of scholars associated with the Institute for Social Research.  Because of their belief, this group aimed to develop a society based on Marxist concepts, and to apply these concepts to the social relationships within capitalist economic systems. This approach, became known as “critical theory.
The Frankfurt School worked out of Germany, until Adolf Hitler’s accession to power in 1933, the group was then forced to leave Germany and In 1935, they ultimately found refuge at Columbia University in New York.  In the 60’s, the theories of the Frankfurt School made a major impact among the younger generation, —and it continued on.
In the 70’s,– Developing from “Critical Theory” was a concept called  “Critical Legal Theory”,  this doctrine, claimed that the Western justice system (our system) is methodically biased against marginalized groups. >>>evolving from this theory is the “ critical race theory”, we know of today.
 The thematic component linking Critical Theory, Critical Legal Theory, and Critical Race Theory is:, the Marxist analysis that society is made up of oppressors and the oppressed. Historically, this ideology goes on to say, that, one–oppressors must go through re-education sessions, two, all societal norms must be dismantled and replaced with subjective reality, and, three, the norms of family, the nation-sate, capitalism and God must be torn down!!,—– sound familiar?
So, Let’s get right into listing of our current, “Critical Race Theory’s” canons, this will point out the blatant correlation to  the Marxist “Critical Theory”.  
>Disrupts systems of power,  > Destabilizes political structures ,> Threatens classical civil liberties, >Claims that science and law are subjective, (which means they should not be based on fact, but on feelingsnarratives, and counter stories), >Professes that the principles of, freedom of speech, private property rights, and rules set forth by the judicial system should be favorable to the, “so called oppressed.”
Also, to show you are in favor of this emancipation, Critical Race Theory calls for a number of other things, namely , all whites must admit their culpability by professing their advantages that came from white supremacy.   And, —   individual whites –cannot hide behind any personal history, or any race neutral laws,– because collectively the white race has been historically oppressive.
CRT is basically being shoved down our throats, making people accustomed to it, and believing in it, —this is dividing our country on the  false narrative of systemic racism,  it is weakening the public and private bonds that create trust, and allow for purposeful civic engagement. Critical Race Theory’s departure from the original goals of the Civil Rights Movement, —–which called for color-blind equality and progress by integrity, —makes a mockery of the hard fight for equality.  Basing rights and privileges on race, gender, or sexual orientation is like taking a step backwards, to the ANTEBELLUM SOUTH,  which is what we so steadfastly forged away from.

As for how Critical Race Theory seeped into our consciousness, a noticeable shift came to American culture when the Obama administration wa sin office.  His use of micraggression and white priviledge speech became the catalyst that made social division commonplace.  Now, Critical Race Theory can be found everywhere, Colleges, K trough 12 th grade, the workplace, the military, the entertainment and media industries.  CRT believes that racism is present everywhere and in everything.

Now that we discussed what CRT is for, let’s move on to what it is against:  It is against equality, it rejects the neutral principles of constitutional law, and it opposes Enlightenment rationalism.  This type of thinking creates what is termed, “cancel culture, — which means that , Since America was founded on pervasive racism, it must be torn up, from the roots, this includes classical philosophers, enlightenment thinkers, and the free market system, — that rewards hard work and ability.  Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, used mobs of youth to stir up discontent, – similar to the Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups of today.  Riots  and doxing new sow chaos where there was once peace.  To make matters worse, this unrest has gained acceptance within the media, professional sports, and academia.

So now, we come to 2021, — and I’d like to say, that when you see something in the news, — and you feel in your gut that something just doesn’t add up, — know you are being fed a false narrative, a subjective story, — from a book written long ago called “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx.  And don’t be fooled.


From: teri carroll
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 8:05:15 PM
To: ieri carroll
Subject: CRT
KASD Is incorporating Critical Race Theory•grades K-12
What is Critical Race Theory? Marxist inspired movement in social and political philosophy associated with the Harvard University Law School
and other colleges began teaching this in the 1970’s RT is a theoretical framework which view society as dominated oy white supremacy and categorizes people as privileged or oppressed based on the color of their skin. CRT teaches kids that the most important thing about you is your race and the color of your skin. It does not recognize your behavior, your values, your environment or
your character.
ritical Raco Theory begins with the assumption that racism occurs in all interactions. It teaches kids to hate America even though America has spent a lot of time, money and blood breaking free of
racism in the past.
CRT followers do not recoonize Martin Luther King’s work to improve society through the civil Rights movement
•CRT Suoports Black Lives Matter and its Marxist ideology.
Terminology used by those who support CRT- equity, social justice, diversity and inclusion, culturally responsive teaching, white supremacy, white fragility, unconscious bias, oppressor, oppressed, white traitors and white
What can we do? Speak Up! Inform your family, neighbors and friends!
Refuse to accept it! Stop this movement now! Don’t be bullied into thinking you’re racist.
Do not allow this indoctrination of our children.
Call school board members and superintendent and state representatives. Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, West VA, Missouri, Florida and Idaho have proposed bans on teaching it. Tennessee
passed legislation on May 5 to ban the teaching of it. Idaho signed B 377 into law last week- obiective to prevent discrimination and orotect intellectual freedom. The low exolains the principles of RT “exacerbates and infiames divisions on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, religion color national origin, or other criteria in ways contrary to the unity of our nation and well being of the state of
daho and its citizens.”
Critical Race Theory will be proven to be unconstitutional. Other lawsuits are being tiled against school districts based on violation of the First Amendment which protects citizens from compelled specch the Fourteenth Amendment which provides caual protection under the law) and the ivil Rights Act of 1964